I like to think that we all have our go-to places for photos. The rainy days, the polar vortex days, the days that you come home from work exhausted, but buzzing with the need to create something- that one place is always there for you. In my first apartment, it was the sole blank wall, the only space that could serve as a blank canvas. In the next apartment, the window seat made for a perfect macro space. Now, it's my basement.

I have a scary basement. That's a good thing, because I can make use of it in a variety of ways. From laundry to monsters, the place serves me well. The fist-sized spiders, however? I could live without those. As a rule, I try not to overuse it, but it's made several appearances in my work.
Sometimes I use the entire space, emphasizing the strangeness of it- the textured concrete floors, streaks of dirt, bits of metal and insulation.
Sometimes I use the entire space, emphasizing the strangeness of it- the textured concrete floors, streaks of dirt, bits of metal and insulation.

Sometimes I use it as a neutral backdrop. It's more interesting than a blank wall, and doesn't necessarily scream 'basement' when you look at it.
More recently, our basement has been collecting things. From antique fairs that birth projects in progress, to the standard odds and ends that make their way in.
When I found my usual blank canvas a little cluttered, I decided to make use of it all the same.
More recently, our basement has been collecting things. From antique fairs that birth projects in progress, to the standard odds and ends that make their way in.
When I found my usual blank canvas a little cluttered, I decided to make use of it all the same.
This is a copper sink we bought at an antique fair, that Don is slowly cleaning of all its wonderful corrosion for one of his house projects. I'm glad I got to it before he got too far, because it has become this lustrous, shimmering thing that is not nearly in character for this shot. This sucker is heavy, by the by, and there was a lot of clanging, scrapes, and name-calling of inanimate objects. This was obviously lot of fun to do. I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that the limb at the top is definitely my leg.
What's your favorite go-to place, and how do you like to use/change it up?
What's your favorite go-to place, and how do you like to use/change it up?